
List of required audio equipment for nightclubs in Nigeria

IRUKKA.COM: List of required audio equipment for nightclubs in Nigeria | Sound Equipment For Nightclubs in Lagos
List of required audio equipment for nightclubs in Nigeria

Nightclubs are the ultimate playgrounds for an adult. Irukka Online, musical instruments, and sound equipment store in Nigeria, we provide nightclubs with the best audio equipment as we understand what it takes to build no-holds-barred nightclubs that crowd people on one spot night after night to experience the fun and excitement of the night. Audio equipment set up to energize and engage party dancers from the time of walk-in to your nightclub up until the time they walk out the door.

Most nightclubs in Lagos and across Nigeria do not have the right audio equipment in place, and when starting up, they do not adequately carry out a soundcheck. And a good sound display is most required in every nightclub. It is usually a problem knowing what audio equipment to buy and from whom to get the right sound equipment in Lagos music store online and offline. Irukka Online knows the confusion and frustration most buyers get into when trying to acquire the right sound equipment for their nightclubs, studio, churches, mosques, halls, hotels, lounges, and so on in Lagos and across Nigeria.


Buying your sound equipment from different stores isn’t advisable as you can’t tell which store sold you the right sound equipment and then the confusion with different pricing set in, leaving you buying too high or wrong choice of speakers. To make that easy for our customers, we offer a one-stop point inclusive is our free delivery with the provision of our professional sound engineer for proper sound equipment installation and sound check.

List of required audio equipment- sound system for nightclubs in Nigeria

Wharfedale Line array Speakers – WLA 210X
Wharfedale Focus Sub-Woofer
Wharfedale Delta Floor-Monitors
Wharfedale Impact 215LL
Wharfedale Amplifier MP2800
Wharfedale Power Amplifier DP series
Quad Ceiling Speakers
Wharfedale  Signal Processor
Tourtech Audio Cables and Plugs
Wharfedale Microphone – Aerovocals
Wharfedale Speaker hanger and Wall Bracket


The quantity of sound equipment required depends on the square meter of the nightclub. To keep our customers at rest, this will be the duty of our experienced and professional sound engineers, including sound equipment installation.

With the list above, you certainly get optimum sound display and are super ready to rock the world of your guest as they flock into your nightclub.

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